A Chatty Video Of Vegan Things I’ve Eaten Lately
Hi friends! It’s been a hot minute since I uploaded, but it’s been a busy summer ever since Eddie went back to work at the end of June! The days both crawl and fly by, and Beanie has kept me very busy and tired haha. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this little chatty vlog, and I will link all the recipes I have from the food I’ve made below 🙂
Carne Asada Soy Curls: https://thevietvegan.com/vegan-carne-asada-tacos-with-soy-curls/
Cilantro Garlic Rice: https://thevietvegan.com/cilantro-garlic-rice/
Mung Bean Sticky Rice: https://thevietvegan.com/mung-bean-sticky-rice/
Buffalo Air Fried Tofu: https://thevietvegan.com/buffalo-air-fried-tofu/
♡ Thanks for watching! ♡
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[ S H O P ]
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[ F A Q ]
♡ Where do you live? – Hamilton, Ontario, Canada 🙂
♡ Where do you find mushroom broth powder? – Asian grocery stores have it. I show what the packaging looks like in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JpAZZcFu09U
♡ Why are you always wearing gloves? – I have eczema, and atopic dermatitis on my hands, so I wear gloves because of food safety and so they get less irritated.
♡ Is YouTube your full time job? – Yes! Although I do freelance on the side to pay them bills.
[ F I N D ♥ M E ]
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[ M U S I C ]
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