Everything I Eat In A Week. (vegan, Working From Home)

Everything I Eat In A Week. (vegan, Working From Home)

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Here’s another fun “what i eat in a week” vlog! My god this was an extroverted week, super exciting but also quite draining at the same time. But anyway, here in this description you’ll find the measurement for all recipes I thought you might be interested in trying. Except for the chocolate chip pancake one, that one was a bit of a cookbook teaser haha. Thank u for being here and watching!! x

Share your recipe recreations with me over on Instagram, tag me @mina_rome.
Check out 58 Bonus Recipes in my Ebook Why Not Vegan: https://payhip.com/b/9MsP

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Email: minarome.yt@gmail.com
Website: www.mina-rome.com


#1 Banana Bread Rawnola

50-60g pitted, soft dates (about 5 large dates or 1.8 – 2.1oz)
60g banana (½ medium banana or 2.1oz)
2 heaping tbsp peanut butter
a dash of cinnamon
1 tbsp roasted sesame seeds
1 tbsp chia or flax seeds
90g quick cooking oats (1 cup)
pinch of salt
1-2 tbsp of water, if needed
→ 2-3 servings, depending on use

#2 Sundried Tomato Tofu Pasta

1 onion
100g smoked tofu (3.5oz)
3-4 sundried tomatoes in oil
1-2 tbsp oil from the tomatoes
~120g pasta of choice (4.3 oz)
3-4 handfuls fresh baby spinach
3-4 ladles of pasta water
2 heaping tbsp hummus
1 tsp white wine vinegar
salt and pepper to taste
→ 1-2 servings

Making Mochi: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8SG5fMdbiqM&t=839s

#3 Chocolate Smoothie Bowl

2 ‘frozen’ bananas
200g soy yogurt (7oz)
1 tbsp vg vanilla protein powder
1 tbsp cocoa powder
1 tbsp almond butter
dash of cinnamon
1 handful of ice
also: berries, and rawnola from recipe #1

#4 Spiced Coconut Oatmeal

50g oats (½ cup)
pinch of salt
2-3 tbsp shredded coconut
1-2 tsp almond butter
1-2 tsp biscoff spread
125ml water (½ cup)
125ml oat milk (½ cup)
→ for 1

#5 Strawberry Smoothie

~150g frozen strawberries (~ 1 cup)
1 tbsp vanilla protein powder
1 tbsp almond butter
1 banana
pinch of salt
~125ml oat milk (½ cup), more if needed
→ for 1

#6 Oyster “Chicken” Bites

200g oyster mushrooms (7oz)

for the flour mixture:
90g flour (¾ cup)
3 tbsp corn starch
1 tbsp nutritional yeast
1 ½ tsp sugar
½ tsp vegetable broth powder or salt
¼ tsp onion powder (and, or garlic powder)
¼ tsp black pepper
½ tsp baking powder

for the milk mixture:

180ml vegan cream or milk (¾ cup)
2 tbsp white wine vinegar
1 tbsp sriracha (or do 1 tsp for less spice)

up to 60g (1 cup) panko bread crumbs, added to the bowl 1 few tbsp at a time
vegetable oil, enough to fill your pot about 5-7 cm (2-3 inch) deep

– bring the oil to medium high to start with
– test the temp with a wooden spoon, once you can see bubbles forming around it, it’s ready. If you have a thermometer, you’re looking for 160-175C, about 325F
– once it reaches this temp, i lower the heat to medium to prevent it from getting too hot
you don’t want your oil to be smoking! (180C or higher)
– always take a few steps back when deep frying, add the bites carefully!
– i only deep fried enough mushrooms for 1 serving, and then saved the remaining ingredients for recipe #8, if you fry all the mushrooms you’ll have around 4 servings, depending on use
– optionally, you can pour over this hot syrup right after they come out of the pan (1 tbsp rice syrup, 2 tsp white wine vinegar, 2 tsp soy sauce, 1 tbsp frying oil, 1 tbsp water)

#7 Fun Ginger Mint Drink

1 handful ice cubes
1 squeeze of fresh lemon juice, more to taste
4 thin ginger slices
4 thin cucumber slices
1 little twig of mint
about ½ cup ginger ale
about ¼ cup sparkling or still water
→ for 1

#8 Baked Oyster “Chicken” Bites

Same ingredients as recipe #6
but using only 2-3 tbsp oil, lightly brushing it on top of the breaded mushrooms

#9 Random Mushroom Noodles

1 onion
1 small piece of ginger
oil for the pan
1 handful of oyster mushrooms
½ can chickpeas
125g mie noodles (4.4oz)
1 small handful of mint
1 tbsp white miso paste
1-2 tbsp warm water
1 tbsp white wine vinegar or lemon juice
1 tsp rice vinegar
a few tbsp ready made caesar salad dressing (sub w hummus maybe?)
roasted sesame seeds
steamed broccoli
vegan chili mayo

Intro by milk: https://t1p.de/d4ak9
tympanik: https://soundcloud.com/tympanikbeats/hold-me-down
trees & lucy – plant mom: https://t1p.de/ctuxt
Alice Wallberg – Stranger: (outro)

Culpeo: https://t1p.de/ke819

Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xznv3fvzzCM
Animal Crossing Remix: https://t1p.de/ru9k4

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