I Tried The VIRAL SUPER Quick Vegan Mozzarella
I Tried The VIRAL SUPER Quick Vegan Mozzarella
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I recently saw @MerleONeal making this vegan mozzarella and I KNEW I had to try it. This is a recipe from Ellie Phoebe Brown over at and I’ll tell you it was amazing!!! Really simple and delicious, but I wanted to take it a step further. Can we get more stretch a little more tang… So I gave it a try to make the simplest yet crazy good stretchy vegan mozzarella cheese!
Original recipe here!
Recipes and More Stache:
The BEST Chopped Cheese Is VEGAN
The BEST Chopped Cheese Is VEGAN
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The BEST Chopped Cheese is VEGAN… Now I know this statement is going to get a lot of dislikes, but to me…. it’s my opinion. I think that a meat free, dairy free sandwich that has a LOT of the same qualities as a beef and cheese sandwich is going to be better, actually the best! This chopped cheese sandwich is made entirely out of potato and it’s REALLY good!
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NO One Would Know This LOTS Of Layers Lasagna Bolognese Was Vegan
NO One Would Know This LOTS Of Layers Lasagna Bolognese Was Vegan
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No Meat, No Cheese, No problem with this Lots of Layers vegan Lasagna recipe! No one would know if you served this too them that it had 0 meat or cheese or that it could possibly be vegan. this is one of those recipes that you just have to make at least once, because it is truly epic!
I saw @NOTANOTHERCOOKINGSHOW make his version which is based off his favorite lasagna from The restaurant I Sodi in NYC by Rita Sodi
Im so glad I tried this as a plant based version because now I don’t know how I will ever have another lasagna again…
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