The Time Gordon Ramsay Destroyed The Vegan Teacher

The Time Gordon Ramsay Destroyed The Vegan Teacher

When That Vegan Teacher began to criticise Gordon Ramsay in January 2021, she probably didn’t expect him to respond. However, after That Vegan Teacher made a bad song about Gordon Ramsay on Tik Tok, she was roasted and destroyed… twice. But, was the TikTok roasting by Gordon Ramsay beneficial for That Vegan Teacher as well? How did the event go down and how did it benefit each TikToker?

This is, The Time Gordon Ramsay Destroyed The Vegan Teacher.

Thank you guys for watching, like and sub if you enjoyed, SunnyV2 XO ❤

Also, the idea for this video was partially inspired by “Pancho” who posted a video on a similar topic in January 2021 titled “Gordon Ramsay Disses That Vegan Teacher..” You can watch his version here –

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