Unhinged Christian CONFRONTS Vegan & Makes HUGE Scene (GETS OWNED)
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Proud to have turned my life around. Ten years sober and vegan ???? ????
If this guy is so anti-stabbing, why does he eat animals who have been stabbed to death?
This is the original YouTube video he was complaining about: https://youtu.be/uXaLRz5FGuM?si=Rkv6qX2MsATgajJ5 As you can see, the title is not disparaging, it was quite a respectful disagreement, and also the full dialogue was uncut. So he literally lied when he claimed the chat was edited in a โweird wayโ
This is the Facebook version, that is just a resized version of the YouTube video and in this case, we chose to leave the dialogue unedited once again because it was engaging enough on its own: https://fb.watch/npatvHsl2t/
Seems like this dude is just embarrassed of his views as a flesh-eating animal killer? If thatโs the case, instead of launching character attacks, why not just live vegan?
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