

Eating Plant-Based Saved Him From Surgery | Paul Chatlin Part 1 | Plant Power Stories

I had a 100% block in my right artery, two other arteries at 70%, I had a left bundle block,
a heart murmur, I had an enlarged heart with leaky valves, and sarcoidosis of the right side
of my heart muscle. I would sit there and say,
"God, if you get me out of this mess, I promise I will give something back
to this world." And it won't just be … you know like my self-improvement.
I want to do something good and big. I wake up one day … and I feel incredible pain in my chest. And they give the analogy of … it's like an elephant on your chest.
They were so right, I would sit there in bed, and I would just wait and breathe slowly and say,
"Something is really wrong." And it wasn't getting better,
in fact it was getting worse. I remember once going to some location, and I literally couldn't take
seven steps without stopping, and it was during the day
and my chest was really hurting and I'm like, "Oh man, something is really wrong.

I've got to go see the doctor." And they did every single test
other than a heart catheter and a heart biopsy. And the test results came
back and the cardiologist said to me, "Well, listen, we need to do a heart catheter
and a heart biopsy next, but the indicators are you may need
a heart transplant or bypass surgery." So, we're being wheeled in toward the surgical ward,
and he stops, he looks at me and says, "Hey, Paul, I've only done this for
two/one other patient in twenty years… Would you consider a nutrition change
instead of having bypass surgery today?" And I'm like, "Yes,
immediately, I'll do anything." Well, I didn't know what this meant.

I had never heard of whole-food, plant-based, I just knew I didn't have to have surgery today. Everything that was processed, all meat, dairy,
and oil was removed from my house that day. So, I went whole-food,
plant-based perfect that day. And now the journey just began. So, here I am two weeks into it.
I'm eating vegetables … that I never liked. And I'm like, okay, well, you can just ignore that and have bypass
surgery or you can just try and fill up, eat a lot of this, because I mean like … I never ate kale, I'd never even heard of kale.
It was iceberg lettuce, that was the big thing. 14 days in, I started saying,
"Wow, this isn't so bad." I'd follow the recipe…

I realized I was not a good cook. I went to Dr. Esselstyn's half-day seminar,
where they teach you how to cook. And I said,
"Oh my God, that's my mission." I was on that gurney, I promised the Lord I would
give something back, so here's what I'm going to do, I'm going to put a little ad in the paper, and I'm going to invite
anybody in the community … to come to my house … if they have any heart concerns.
And I only knew about heart … because that's what … I had heart disease.
I didn't know about diabetes or obesity or … anything else that would benefit
from whole-food, plant-based. So, we started having our meetings … and it kept growing,
and growing, and growing. When people have a problem with alcohol,
they go to AA. And the reason is they need
a support group … of like-minded people to get
through that moment or get through that day. We created that same model … with making a food change … because it is not just a food change,
it's a lifestyle change.

And we would just start having
more people and more people because … people were willing to consider nutrition
before pills and procedures … and they were not getting
the answer from their doctors. So, they came to our organization for those
answers and we had the experts talk to them. So, here we are today … at the Plant-Based
Nutrition Support Group, we're closing in on 6,000 members
in about four years. I feel great,
my cholesterol number is under 100, so I went from 347 to under 100. I have lost almost 70 pounds,
and I've kept it off. I'm now 60 years old
and I want to enjoy the next 20 years, 25 years. And I think by eating this way,
I am going to do it..

Video Transcript – As found on YouTube


We Saved Thousands of Dollars Eating This Way | Marc Ramirez Part 2 | Plant Power Stories

In my opinion, food is medicine,
food is what healed me. And it's when I changed the foods … that I was able to eliminate
all of my medications. Never underestimate
the body's ability to heal itself … if we just fuel it with the right foods. So, before my wife and I
adopted a plant-based lifestyle, I was a fast-food junkie, I used to run through the fast food once
and sometimes multiple times a day, whereas … now it's all whole-food, plant-based, it's the four main food groups,
which are all the fruits, all the vegetables, all the grains, and all the legumes. We eliminated, like I said,
all of the fast food, and that's the lifestyle,
that's the food we eat now. We are going to start making
veggie sandwiches. And it's really simple, you just use
whatever veggies you have in the house.

Today we are using … mushrooms, bell peppers, onion,
and we are also using … some pre-packaged
salad that we got at Whole Foods. And instead of using mayonnaise or cheese,
we are using avocado as a condiment. I like to use mushrooms
because they are meaty, they sort of have a texture similar to meat. So they make the sandwich feel more filling. And because they are kind of bland,
they soak up the flavors around them. They kind of go with anything. I used to eat a meal, I would go to a burger joint, but within half an hour to an hour I'm crashing, my body is struggling to try and digest
all these foods. Whereas, now when I eat – and I eat a lot of food –
it's all whole-food, plant-based, but I eat a lot of food,
and now I don't get those symptoms anymore. I'm energized, I'm ready, my tummy feels full, but I don't feel like
I have a rock inside of my belly. And next we are going to slice up an onion. So the onion… It will make it a little bit savory.

But purple onions or red onions,
they're more mild than … white or yellow. It tastes great to eat them raw.
Some of the other ones are too pungent. And next we are going to scoop out avocado … and put that on our pita bread. This is like a base for the sandwich … or pita. You could use bread, whatever kind you like. We like these pitas because it's very pure,
it has just four ingredients, it's whole wheat flour, yeast, salt, and water. We do not spend more,
we actually spend about a third less on groceries. But that's because we buy whole foods
that are reasonably priced. Things like brown rice
and dried beans and pasta, potatoes, things like that.

And then if you consider the money we've saved
with medications and doctor bills, we've saved thousands and thousands
of dollars by eating this way, so it's definitely not more expensive. Those colorful bell peppers add a lot of nice crunch,
the onions adding some savory flavors to it, and then this is a pre-packaged
salad we got at Whole Foods. So we're just going to put
some of that on top. And you can use whatever veggies
you happen to have at home. It's also great
for a cleaning-out-the-fridge meal. And that's how you make
a quick veggie sandwich. My dream one day would be … to not have anybody see the suffering … that has happened to my family happen to yours. You could change that by simply
changing the foods you eat. I would love one day if all the people
on this planet would eat plant-based.

Not only would we be helping our health,
we would be helping the environment … and we wouldn't be causing all the pain
and suffering to these poor animals … that committed no crime other than being born. Find what motivates you if you want to try this, and use that to inspire you. You know,
originally for us it was for health issues, and that's what gave us the prompt to dive in. For other people it might be
environmental issues or things like that, so find what motivates you and explore it. It's not as hard as you might think. I hear a lot,
"It's impossible, I can't do that." What I need you to do is cut that impossible word
after the first two letters: "I'm" and then "possible". If I can do this, if this big meat-eating
macho man, football player can do it, and I'm nobody special,
you can do it as well..

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Diabetes and Erectile Dysfunction Reversed with Diet | Marc Ramirez Part 1 | Plant Power Stories

I grew up believing
that diabetes was in my genetics. There's nothing I can do about this. I just have to brace for impact. All of my brothers and sisters with the exception
of one sister has battled with diabetes, but … I look back now to the foods we ate. When you look at this
whole slew of devastation that has … crippled my family
in so many different ways, it really boils down
to the food, it's the food. When I was growing up, I was always a little
bigger than most of the other … males my age. And I loved football, so I had
the fortunate opportunity to play football … and ultimately earned a football scholarship
at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. I was a big guy.

I'm 6'2", and in college I played at about 305 pounds. And I grew up believing that … I needed protein. I need protein and I need steak
and I need chicken, and I believed that,
and of course I was big and strong. I was eating a lot, I was eating like an ox. But the bottom line was, after my college playing days were over, twelve years later … I was diagnosed with diabetes. I saw what … his family members went through
because of diabetes. It was like there was a big storm coming. Our future looked dark, honestly. Like we have hope. I thought that it was just in his genes
and it was our destiny and … that I just had to make the best of it. So I'm taking insulin shots twice a day, I'm taking multiple medications for all
these conditions and on top of that, as time went on, I developed psoriasis all over my scalp,
I was overweight, I developed erectile dysfunction.

And again being a big macho football player, I thought that I was invincible, big and strong
and everything was going to be great. Once you develop erectile dysfunction, it is deflating as a man to not be able to go
and make love to… I have a beautiful wife. I know a lot of people, guys that I talk to,
they'll come to me and they'll say, "Hey, you know, I got that issue too." And really what's happening is
your arteries are clogging, your artery to your private
parts is clogging. And the issue with that is
that your other arteries are clogging as well. Your heart, your coronary arteries,
your carotid arteries, those are clogging as well. It's only a matter of time before that
stroke and that heart attack happen, and so that's the bigger issue,
that's the big train wreck that we need to avoid. And I say that and I share it openly
because a lot of guys don't want to talk about this.

They are embarrassed,
and I get it because I was embarrassed too. I didn't want to go tell people my business.
Who does? There's an estimate that 40-50 % of males
over the age of 40 … struggle with ED. Many guys think they're going to pop a pill,
they can go have sex, and life is great. But they're masking that bigger problem,
the train wreck that's around the corner: that's the heart attack and the stroke. And so, something had to change, I did not want to be caught in the position … where I wasn't going to be able
to see my daughter get married. I want to see my grandkids
and I want to see my great-grandkids. And I don't want to be, God forbid,
in a nursing home … or not able to get up and go and enjoy
those times with my family and my loved ones.

I knew at that point
that I needed to make a change and … that's when my wife and I adopted
a whole-food, plant-based lifestyle. I was on medications for a decade,
for ten years, and only getting worse every single year
as time went on. We adopt this lifestyle. And in two months
I was off all five of my medications. In three months I had shed 50 pounds,
which took me down to 210 pounds. And oh, by the way,
that was what I weighed in seventh grade. 13 years old was the last time
I weighed what I weigh today, and I'm 51. I feel like I'm in the best shape of my life,
and I'm the oldest I've ever been. How is that happening?
It's the food. And what we did was we actually adopted
a whole-food, plant-based lifestyle.

So, we eliminated all the animal products, we eliminated the oils out of our diet, and we're sticking now to really four
main food groups: And that's all the fruits, all the vegetables, all the grains, and all the legumes in any shape or form. Instead of cooking with oil, we will steam them,
we'll use veggie broth, we'll bake foods.
Anything we can, but you don't need the oils.
Oils are 100 % fat. And all these foods, when you look at them, they're just loaded and jam-packed with vitamins, with fiber, with minerals,
with phytonutrients, all of the greatness that will help your bodies thrive,
these amazing machines that we all own.

And they are devoid
and don't have any of the cholesterol … and for the most part no saturated fat. They don't have any growth hormones,
no antibiotics, a lot of this that you find in the animal foods. When I look at the changes that I went through, I was able to reverse my type 2 diabetes, reverse my high blood pressure,
reverse my high cholesterol. My erectile dysfunction is gone, my psoriasis is gone, my obesity is gone, and I feel full of life. I'm 51 years old and I feel like I am
literally in the best shape of my life at this point. And what's amazing is when you look
at my lifestyle, my transformation, here I am seven years into
this lifestyle now, and … I know they say never say never, but I'm never
going back to eating the way I used to eat … which was a lot of animal foods
and a lot of oils. I'm eliminating those foods I have for seven years now,
and I never see myself going back because … I feel too damn good now. So if you want to be a real man,
if you want to take care of your family, take care of yourself.

Because … your family doesn't need you to go have a stroke
or a heart attack and then have to take care of you. Be a real man, take care of yourself
and take care of your family. And it's not coming through a pill,
it's going to come through the foods you eat..

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Former Meat Lover Heals Heart With Plant-Based Diet | Paul Chatlin Part 2 | Plant Power Stories

My diagnosis was … I had a 100% block in my right artery, 2 other arteries at 70%, I had a left package block, a heart murmur, I had a bigger heart with dripping shutoffs, and sarcoidosis
of the best side of my heart muscular tissue. I would simply sit there grasping my fists … and holding myself saying,
“” Please, quit, stop, it'' s harming.”” When I made the adjustment
from your basic American diet plan … to a whole food, plant based diet regimen, I was a carnivore that consumed a whole lot of meat. I was an individual
who loved dairy products, cheese was my primary, and oil. My idea of the perfect pizza was dual cheese,
double meat, packed, since I functioned out, so I constantly thought,
hello, I'' ll simply keep exercising … and I ' ll be all right
,'I ' ll balance everything. Currently I discovered later on that you can not work a negative diet regimen. Today it'' s just fruits, vegetables, beans, and whole grains. Yet right here'' s the thing, when you invest 55 years eating the method I did, I still miss it. I'' m not rejecting, I still believe concerning the corned beef sandwiches and the pizza and the steak, I mean I assume regarding it.But as quickly as I think of it, I keep in mind every minute of what I felt like … before that gurney hyperventilating since I was scared. And then I got a miracle. So that keeps me based constantly, '' cause when you speak with people they'' re like: “This is also tough.”” You recognize what'' s too difficult? Choosing bypass surgery! Recognizing that if you have the bypass surgery and go back to consuming what you'' re'eating, there ' s a quite good opportunity ten years later on you obtain to have it again. Today, I'' ve lost 70 pounds, and I exercise, I love exercising, I'' ve always liked exercising. I obtain to proceed exercising, I exercise in the morning. And I do a 15-minute walk-run, and that'' s complied with by 45 mins of weight-lifting. I wear'' t do any type of hefty weights,'it ' s actually more core work, a lot of pull-ups, a great deal of push-ups, a great deal of chin-ups. And after that I entered – concerning a year and a fifty percent ago -something called warm vinyasa yoga. And, you recognize, I just love it. So, it'' s amusing since the initial time I went in there, I just got in, I didn'' t recognize the circulation, I just said: “” Hey, it'' s sort of cozy in below, well', it ' s obtained great songs, it ' s a great warm location, it'' s a great aesthetic …”” Yet I had no idea just how to flow.So, over the last, well, it took me concerning a year to determine the flow. And what'' s sort of awesome about the hot vinyasa is … it enables me to finish out my workout, obtain the biggest stretch of my life, appreciate the world I stay in. I hope for points, you know. I consider my mommy, I believe of my nana, I give thanks to God for my better half. I ask the Lord to let my pet live much longer without pain.I pray for my children and now I hope for PBNSG, the organization we built, that individuals find the light and health. That'' s truly what it'' s about, which I have the toughness on a daily basis to spread out the word as much and wide as feasible. Welcome, everyone. We are all in for a real reward today. My name is Paul Chatlin, and I am the owner of the plant-based nutrition assistance group … called PBNSG. We are a not-for-profit group developed in 2014. We'' re committed to evidence-based education and campaigning for of whole food … < For anybody available that'' s considering this,<< i > initially, review a few publications, find out about it,<< i > enjoy a DVD, see exactly how it has changed other individuals' ' lives.< Anybody who is plant interested, give it a shot. If you had to do something ... and your life was dependent on it, you'' d do it. Well, your life hinges on it. And if you go 60 days, here'' s what ' s mosting likely to happen. You ' re going to lose in 60 days ...

15-20 extra pounds, as long as you'' re staying entire food, plant based. Your degrees will certainly go down. Whatever your cholesterol numbers are, your A1C numbers are, your weight, whatever'' s going to drop. Your palate will certainly transform, which will certainly strengthen your continuing doing this. So, I claim a 60-day obstacle to the world, 60 days. I also would certainly like to state to individuals, okay, so let'' s say you go entire food, plant based and it functions for you: Return. Do something to give back.I can'' t state I was always a taker, yet I was never the finest giver. I will certainly inform you this from all-time low of my heart, I get up on a daily basis intending to offer to someone to make a globe of distinction to that individual. And as the company expands, it simply makes me so honored, not only of all the volunteers we have … When I see my son and he'' s at one of our events, he constantly states, “” You'' ve got the greatest, nicest volunteers I'' ve ever recognized.”” And I check out him and I claim, “You'' re right.”” So, I say to everybody out there: Give back! You will certainly really feel excellent about it …

when you can take a look at someone and offer a suggestion that makes a difference in their life. It'' s more than making a deposit of money at the bank, you'' re making a deposit with your heart. And that'' s what my press would be to anyone: First, comprehend what it'' s like to be that plant-based person … and after that put on'' t hinge on it, offer back!.

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Former Meat Lover Heals Heart With Plant-Based Diet | Paul Chatlin Part 2 | Plant Power Stories

My medical diagnosis was … I had a 100% block in my ideal artery, 2 various other arteries at 70%, I had a left bundle block, a heart whispering, I had an enlarged heart with leaking shutoffs, and sarcoidosis
of the right side of my heart muscle. I would just rest there gripping my fists … and holding myself saying,
“” Please, stop, quit, it'' s harming.”” When I made the adjustment
from your typical American diet plan … to an entire food, plant based diet plan, I was a carnivore that consumed a whole lot of meat. I was a person
that loved dairy products, cheese was my primary, and oil. My idea of the perfect pizza was dual cheese,
double meat, loaded, since I worked out, so I always assumed,
hi, I'' ll just keep exercising … and I ' ll be okay
,'I ' ll equilibrium everything. Now I discovered later on that you can not work a bad diet plan. Today it'' s just fruits, veggies, beans, and whole grains.But below ' s things, when you invest 55 years eating the way I did, I still
miss it. I ' m not rejecting, I still consider the corned beef sandwiches and the pizza and the steak, I imply I think concerning it. However as quickly as I consider it, I remember every moment of what I felt like … in front of that gurney hyperventilating since I was frightened. And afterwards I obtained a wonder. To ensure that keeps me based all the time, '' reason when you talk to individuals they'' re like: “This is too challenging.”” You know what'' s too challenging? Opting for bypass surgical treatment! Understanding that if you have the coronary bypass and return to eating what you'' re'eating, there ' s a rather great chance ten years later on you get to have it again.Today, I ' ve shed 70 pounds,'and I function out, I like working out, I'' ve constantly enjoyed functioning out. I reach proceed exercising, I exercise in the early morning. And I do a 15-minute walk-run, and that'' s adhered to by 45 minutes of weight-lifting. I don'' t do any kind of hefty weights,'it ' s truly extra core job, a great deal of pull-ups, a great deal of push-ups, a great deal of chin-ups. And then I got involved in – concerning a year and a half ago -something called warm vinyasa yoga. And, you know, I just like it. So, it'' s amusing because the very first time I entered there, I simply obtained in, I didn'' t know the circulation, I just claimed: “” Hey, it'' s type of cozy in below, well', it ' s got great music, it ' s a wonderful warm area, it'' s an excellent visual …”” However I had no idea exactly how to flow.So, over the last, well, it took me about a year to find out the flow. And what'' s sort of outstanding regarding the warm vinyasa is … it enables me to finish out my workout, get the greatest stretch of my life, value the globe I stay in. I wish things, you know. I believe of my mommy, I think about my nana, I give thanks to God for my wife. I ask the Lord to allow my dog live much longer without discomfort. I wish my children and now I hope for PBNSG, the company we constructed, that individuals discover the light and wellness. That'' s truly what it'' s about, and that I have the strength daily to get the word out as everywhere as possible. Welcome, everybody. We are done in for a real treat today. My name is Paul Chatlin, and I am the founder of the plant-based nourishment support team … called PBNSG. We are a not-for-profit team developed in 2014. We'' re committed to evidence-based education and advocacy of entire food … < For anybody around that'' s considering this,<< i > first, read a couple of publications, discover it,<< i > enjoy a DVD, see how it has actually changed various other peoples' ' lives.< Anyone who is plant interested, give it a try.If you had to do something ... and your life was dependent on it, you'' d do it. Well, your life depends on it. And if you go 60 days, right here'' s what ' s going to happen. You ' re going to lose in 60 days ... 15-20 pounds, as long as you'' re staying whole food, plant based. Your degrees will certainly go down. Whatever your cholesterol numbers are, your A1C numbers are, your weight, everything'' s going to go down. Your taste buds will change, which will certainly strengthen your proceeding doing this. So, I claim a 60-day obstacle to the globe, 60 days.I likewise wishes to state to people, alright, so allow'' s state you go whole food, plant based and it functions for you: Repay. Do something to return. I can'' t state I was constantly a taker, yet I was never ever the finest giver. I will certainly inform you this from the bottom of my heart, I wake up on a daily basis wishing to give to somebody to make a world of difference to that individual. And as the company grows, it just makes me so proud, not only of all the volunteers we have ... When I see my son and he'' s at one of our events, he constantly claims, "" You'' ve got the greatest, best volunteers I'' ve ever before known."" And I consider him and I say, "You'' re right."" So, I state to everyone around: Return! You will certainly really feel wonderful regarding it ...

when you can look at somebody and give a suggestion that makes a difference in their life. It'' s greater than making a deposit of cash at the bank, you'' re making a deposit with your soul. Which'' s what my press would certainly be to any person: First, comprehend what it'' s like to be that plant-based individual … and after that put on'' t hinge on it, repay!.

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