I Tried TikTok’s Viral High-Protein Vegan Meals | Pt.2
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As many of you know, I’ve been trying to boost my protein intake and you guys seem to love seeing a variety of high-protein recipes. so I sought out some of the most popular viral high-protein tiktok recipes I could find.
High Protein Salad by @plantyou
video: https://www.tiktok.com/@plantyou/video/7211964930730380549?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc&web_id=7377790910023501343
Recipe: https://plantyou.com/cauliflower-salad/
1 can chickpeas: 21g
1 block high-protein tofu – 75g
30g cashew nuts: 6.2g
1 cup protein cooked quinoa – 8g
3 cups Spinach – 2g
1 tbsp nutritional yeast – 2.5g
Total = 114g
/3 = 38.2g protein per serve
Sweet Potato, Tofu & Chickpea Curry by @sophsplantkitchen
Video: https://www.tiktok.com/@sophsplantkitchen/video/7309180527486061857?lang=en
240g Chickpeas: 15g
280g Silken tofu: 18.85g
30g cashew nuts: 6.2g
300g Firm Tofu: 42g
15g Nooch: 8.8g
Other minimal amounts in spices and veg: ~5g
Total = 95g
/3 = 31g protein per portion
Walnut Lentil High Protein Pasta by @sophsplantkitchen
Video: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C1uuHccKR3G/
Recipe: https://sophsplantkitchen.co/lentil-walnut-tomato-pasta/
Protein breakdown:
300g puy lentils – 33g
250g pasta (dried weight) – 35g
40g walnuts – 6g
= 74g
/2 large portions (it is recommended that those following a plant-based diet eat larger portions) = 37g
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Time Codes:
0:00 – Intro
1:25 – Lentil Walnut Bolognese
9:47 – Rainbow Grain Bowl
15:21 – Sweet Potato, Tofu & Chickpea Curry
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