Raw Vegan Savory Cracker Recipe / Flavor Explosion Snack; These Are SOOOO Amazing And Delicious
Tomato / Coconut Base w/ TONS of unique and distinct flavors, the PERFECT texture and consistency this is a recipe you will NOT want to skip. Dan and Kathy Udy are at it again, show-casing their culinary mastery once again, sit back and enjoy this entertaining yet easy-to-follow raw-vegan recipe video.
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Ingredient List:
3 Cups Shredded Coconut
2 Cups Tomato
3 Tbls Tomato Powder
1 tsp Salt
2 tsp dried oregano
2 Tbls fresh Thyme
2 Tbls fresh minced Basil
1 Large Medjool Date
1/2 tsp smoked paprika
#RawVeganCrackers #ItalianTomatoCrackers #SavoryCrackerRecipe #CrackerRecipe#FullyRawVegan #RawVeganRecipe #VitamixRecipes #RawVeganProtein #RawVeganGains #RawVegan #LivingFood #WholeFoodPlantBased #Vegan #VeganDiet #RawVeganDiet #RawVeganLifestyle #VeganForTheAnimals #VeganForTheEnvironment
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